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Leadership Ethics

Most of us will never have seen ourselves as being leaders. For the majority of us, the thought of taking charge of an office will not so long ago have seemed completely absurd. That’s a job for high fliers, for people-people…for born leaders!

But despite any initial apprehension, leadership roles are something that many of us will have thrust upon us against any protestations. In the vast majority of industries, progress and a hike in salary means taking on more responsibility. And that responsibility will very often take the form of some kind of leadership role. You can only progress so far before you start having staff under you and the further you then climb the ladder; the more people will start looking to you for direction and the more people you’ll be responsible for.

That then leaves two choices: shy away from the pressure and the responsibility and live on the modest salary that comes from that, or learn to suck it up and take charge.

So now the big question: can you learn leadership? Are some people simply destined to be good leaders while others will forever be disrespected and awkward in the role?

Well, while some people are ‘born with it’ (as Maybelline would have us believe), it certainly is possible to learn the skills needed for leadership if you don’t already have them. And as it happens, that’s exactly what this book is about to do for you!

What you will learn:

  • What makes a great leader?
  • Should you be feared or liked?
  • How to become instantly more charismatic
  • How to use ancient techniques like ‘transformismo’ to
  • control your team
  • How to understand the differences of your team and get
  • them to work for you
  • How to handle a crisis
  • How to cultivate inspiration
  • How to give your staff motivation How to create new
  • teams
  • And more!


You are going to get the following within this package:


You get UNRESTRICTED PRIVATE LABEL RIGHTS to this product. With this guide, you can edit, modify, completely make it your own and then resell it to your own customers.


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