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The Law of Attraction and Your Wealth

The Law of Attraction – What It Really Is and What It Is Not

With the release of The Secret followed by the outstanding response it has garnered, a lot of people are speaking about the Law of Attraction. The problem is that not half of these people know what they are talking about.

The Law of Attraction is not an enchantment or a potion that will wish all your problems away. There are things that need to be done if you want to experience its richness in your life.

This eBook specifically deals with the implementation of the Law of Attraction in gathering money, but really it is about all its various applications that can help in improving your life.

In this ebook, you will learn:

  • The Law of Attraction – What It Really Is and What It Is Not
  • Objective and Subjective Thinking
  • Stop the Default Processes from Ruling Your Life


You will get the following within this package:

  • Ebook
  • Source File
  • Graphics



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